a teatray in the sky

blue sunday

Posted in 5D Mark II, Georgetown, Photography, Technique and Development, Washington, DC by firthefirst on March 16, 2010

it’s damn nice out today.  58 degrees.  I think I just saw bedouins outside my window.  so to cool you down, I decided to post an image from this past Sunday.  grim, eh? (more…)

what they say is true

Posted in 5D Mark II, Georgetown, Photography, Technique and Development by firthefirst on March 14, 2010

better gear doesn’t make you a better photographer.  it’s a tough pill to swallow, but we all have to own up to it sooner or later.  it’s one of those things in life that’s not like learning to ride a bike – you have to keep re-realizing this fact as you progress.

Tina and I spent part of the afternoon out and about in Georgetown, despite the rain.  part of it was shoe shopping (Tina) and part of it was seeing if the new 5D Mark II could really handle 10mm in 3 minutes (John).
